
Category: SEO

5 Must Know Tips for How to Use Twitter for Business Success

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When most people think about social media marketing for business, they typically think Facebook or Instagram. While these social media marketing tools are effective in helping to harness online business success, there are other social media channels that can be very effective for online business success, such as Twitter.

Here are 5 must know tips on how to use Twitter for business success:

1. Tweet Regularly

Given that tweets are indexed by Google, it is a great idea to tweet regularly, as it helps boost SEO rankings. There are some helpful tweeting tools out there, such as Hootsuite and CoSchedule, which can help Streamline your tweeting schedule.

2. Optimize Your Twitter Bio

Your bio is essentially the first thing people see when the go to your Twitter profile, so take the necessary time to put together an impactful bio that could include hashtags which are relevant to your company and links on how readers can connect with you via other social media channels.

3. Advertise Your Twitter Account On Your Other Online Platforms

In order to generate a larger following, make sure to advertise your Twitter account on all of your other online platforms, such as your website and other social media channels, like Facebook.

4. Engage Your Followers

Engaging your followers is crucial in terms of being able to use Twitter for business success. In order to fully engage your followers, remember to ask relevant questions that relate to your products and services and always respond to tweets in a timely fashion.

5. Conduct Analytics

In order to effectively measure how well your Twitter efforts are performing, you need to conduct regular analytics. By taking careful measure of your Twitter efforts, you will be able to identify where you need to make adjustments for improvement.

Following these tips on how to use Twitter for business success can help give you that added marketing boost your online business needs.