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Running a successful online business using your WordPress site involves generating a steady stream of incoming traffic and keeping your site visitors engaged, so that they convert to paying customers.
To prevent your WordPress site from loading slowly and deterring potential buyers away from your site are just a few reasons why image optimization in your WordPress site matters. Here are 3 really big reasons why image optimization should be one of your areas to focus on for your WordPress site:
• Customers Don’t Like Waiting
The chances are very high that if site visitors have to wait more than a few seconds for your site to load and appear on their computer, or mobile device screen they will abandon your site to go to another.
• Search Engine Rankings Can Suffer Due to Poor Image Optimization
Google has modified their algorithms to consider page loading speed as an important factor when determining search ranking worthiness. Google’s major focus is on enhancing user experience, so poorly optimized images will ultimately result in poor search engine rankings for your WordPress site.
• Reduces Incoming Traffic
Owning an online business and having it run successfully involves an important key factor; attaining a steady flow of incoming traffic to your WordPress site. If your site images are not optimized, search engines won’t give you the search rankings you need in order for visitors to find you. No incoming traffic means no conversions and can essentially be the death of your online business.
While highly optimized images can still weigh down your site loading time, you can counteract this by doing the following:
• Save your photos in Photoshop using “save for Web”
• Compress your photos further in WordPress by editing WordPress’s functions.php file
• Stick with JPEG images, as this file format is convenient for online compression
• Include only necessary images and refrain from overloading your site with too many pictures
Images are a big contributing factor to attracting the attention of potential buyers and, with proper image optimization in your WordPress site, you will be able to generate a healthy level of incoming traffic and be able to convert visitors into buyers.