
Category: wordpress website

4 Compelling Reasons Why You Need to Switch Your Traditional Business Website to WordPress

Posted on by admin

If you have an upcoming website project to tackle, but you’re on the fence when it comes to choosing which website platform to go with, you probably aren’t alone, as there are a ton of options out there when it comes to web design software solutions, all ranging in costs, features and levels of complexity.

WordPress Website

The one website design solution that is among the top choices of online business owners around the world is WordPress.

Here are 4 compelling reasons why you need to switch your traditional business website to WordPress:

1. WordPress Is Free

An attractive component to WordPress is the fact that it comes at no cost to anyone who wants to use it.

2. WordPress Is SEO Friendly

If achieving good rankings among search engines, such as Google, is important to your business (and it should be), WordPress is the perfect solution, as it was built to be highly optimized for search engines, by WordPress developers.

3. WordPress Is Highly Secure

Given that WordPress is a popular website platform, it is often the focus for potential hackers who have malicious intent. Fortunately, WordPress has a huge community of skilled developers who continually update the software to patch any security vulnerabilities.

4. WordPress Is Mobile Friendly

In a world where consumers are tied to their mobile devices to access information, it is critical for today’s modern businesses to own a website that is mobile friendly. Fortunately, WordPress has a number of mobile-enabled themes from which business owners can choose, as well as the potential for a custom responsive website, so having a mobile-friendly website is simple with WordPress.

Still not convinced you should switch your traditional website to a WordPress website? Try downloading and installing WordPress to see if it is the right software platform for your next web project.