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So how did WordPress go from being just another blogging platform to a professional choice for CMS solutions? The impression remains in some circles that WordPress is a tool for amateurs. There is a misconception that it’s never really grown up. Well, it has and millions of WordPress websites for professionals attest to that.
Distinguishing between .ORG and .COM
The distinction between and continues to obscure many people’s perspectives. The former is of course a free platform for blog posts. It’s an easy to use option for beginners. You get a WordPress domain name and some standard features. is the real deal with proper webhosting and freedom to do as you like. WordPress websites for professionals are strictly .org.
Distinguishing between now and then
Remember back in 2003 when WordPress was launched? It was mostly lauded as a blogging platform and that’s how most people got to know it. But today many of the biggest brands in the world are building their websites on WordPress. Companies like CNN, Forbes and Samsung. Heard of those?
While never abandoning its easy-to-use factor, WordPress has grown and grown its features over the years. Continual updates and advancements have ensured that it’s kept pace with an industry in full sprint. Its media handling and menu configuration just get slicker and slicker. WordPress websites for professionals have never been better value for your buck.
Distinguishing between your reach and your grasp
What makes WordPress so successful is that it’s the most adaptable platform around. It’s very developer friendly. On the other hand, it’s got a smooth entry level. Learning to use WordPress is really intuitive. It’s astounding the people who from Luddite status are able to achieve interesting results with WordPress. By the time you unleash a qualified designer, the sky’s the limit. They can put together WordPress websites for professionals that rival anything else out there.
It’s impressive just how involved and really quite spectacular the range of themes and add-ons has become on WordPress. For anyone setting up an e-commerce business or hoping to earn money off add-revenues, WordPress is as straightforward as it gets.
WordPress Web Design Vancouver specializes in building WordPress websites for professionals. They offer free initial consultation and guarantee 100% satisfaction. Whatever your business, a WordPress website is sure to enhance your profile and reward your endeavor.