
Category: wordpress website

How to Go About Creating your Own WordPress Website

Posted on by admin

So you have created a website and despite anything you are desperately wishing that people will find your site. This is when a good web design and great SEO comes in the picture. You can’t obviously expect Google to direct traffic to your website. What you can do is use the proven techniques that internet marketing experts have been using to help site owners get noticed.

Advantages of WordPress

1. WordPress is easy to use. Most of the website systems we find today are way too complicated for ordinary people with minimal skills to manage. They usually require the help of web designer to edit even the simple things and hiring an expert’s skill can cost heavy.

2. WordPress is extremely SEO friendly. This means that search engines such as Google’s search engine will have an easier time finding your site. Google will now understand better about your site, and more likely recommend your site to users searching for a topic that is available on your site. WordPress in itself is very SEO friendly but you can seek the assistance of professionals from WordPress Vancouver for necessary help.

3. Having a WordPress website will allow you to integrate a blog on your site. Originally built as a blogging platform, WordPress has gradually added regular pages like other website.

4. WordPress has an Open Source system which means it is free to use, modify, or distribute legally. Every day, developers and programmers are creating new updates, themes, plug-in, and help to upgrade WordPress.

5. You can easily customize WordPress. You can choose from the thousands of free and premium themes available to make your website unique and content oriented.

These are just some points that show why people prefer to choose WordPress over other SEO tools.

Getting Started With WordPress

Creating a WordPress website is as easy as it gets.

Irrespective of your reasons for creating a website, be it for business purposes or blogging. The first thing you will need to do is create a ‘ account’. During this process you will be required to enter your email address and your username and also create a password for security reasons.
The next step is selecting your website address. Basically, WordPress offers two forms of choosing a web address; one is a free web address, and the other is a custom address, which needs to be purchased.

Then you have to choose a plan most suitable for your purpose. Since WordPress is also a community, it will be beneficial to set up a public profile. This is important in order to interact with potential customers to make yourself be seen as someone genuine. You will be required to enter your name and get to choose how your name displays. The final step is to configure your basic settings and you are good to go!