
Category: wordpress website

Semantic Search Is Changing the Way Users Find Your Vancouver Business

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The way users search the web has become more sophisticated and so have the algorithms which lie beneath their searches. Keywords are no longer king. The contextual meaning behind a search is the new grail. Every time we build and optimize a WordPress website in Vancouver, we have to grapple with the implications of semantic search.

Semantics is the science of meaning in language. Semantic search attempts to get to the meaning and intent behind a search query. By placing the query within a broader structure of meaning, more relevant search results are possible. Variables like location, word variations, word synonyms and user intent, refine the query.

This refinement of search translates into more personalized search results and more conversational relationships between search engine and user. This is possible through analysis of graph patterns, keyword-to-concept mapping and “fussy logic” systems. Entities or concepts are matched to associated entities, concepts, phrases (cars to “four-wheel-drive” etc.)

So how is this applicable to your Vancouver business?

1. Using the Knowledge Graph: Google enhances its semantic search capabilities with a powerful knowledge base. The Knowledge Graph draws on information from a variety of sources such as Wikipedia and Stack Overflow. By securing a presence on these information resources you can better exploit the Knowledge Graph.

2. Being Social: Sharing information across social media broadens the context of your brand, creating associated relationships and verifying the status, importance and relevance of your content.

3. While semantic web search rewards richer content, it isn’t enough to expect your WordPress website in Vancouver to rank well organically on the basis of quality content alone. Good rankings still require clever SEO work.