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When it comes to choosing a platform for running an online store, many businesses choose to go with WooCommerce. This free WordPress plug-in, which has been made available since 2011, is used to power thousands of e-Commerce sites worldwide, and provides all the functionality needed in order to run a successful online shop.
Those who utilize WooCommerce receive excellent support and regular updates,as WordPress includes a large community made up of millions of users, who have the knowledge and skill to provide needed advice and support should there be any issues. Here is a list of what to expect from WooCommerce in 2018:
• Updated Orders Screen
In an effort to improve order management,the WooCommerce 3.3 update introduces an easier way to both view (bigger and clear icons) and manage online orders. All information relating to order items can now be viewed and managed directly from the orders screen.
• Enhanced Transitioning for Product Stock Management
An extremely useful feature which has been updated in 2018 is the capability of enabling the online automation of stock management. WooCommerce can now simply shift products between “in stock”, “out of stock” or “on back order” all in synchronicity with product stock availability.
• Logging and Analysis of Product Downloads
The latest upgrade to WooCommerce now includes a logging feature for products customers have downloaded. Store owners can now filter and analyze download data,based on customers, order numbers, file name, etc.
• Improvements to Image Sizing
Through the use of the Customizer, online store owners are able to select and change the size ratio of their product images. Another helpful feature that accompanied the WooCommerce 3.3 upgrade is a new event queue that runs in the background, which automates the regeneration of product thumbnail images (eliminating the need to install a separate plug-in for this task).
Using WooCommerce to build online stores is a smart choice for any kind of online business and, when you get to know what to expect from WooCommerce after each update, you realize the real advantages you have over competitors using other e-Commerce platforms.