
Category: wordpress website

What Makes WordPress the First Preference for Many?

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Ever since its success in the blogging world, WordPress has come a long way in the website development field as well. It has made a mark for itself in the web development category as well. Many web design and development agencies around the world are swearing by the effectiveness and efficiency of custom WordPress website development. It is one of the simplest, easiest, flexible and scalable content management systems available in the market today.

If you have a website development need, why not choose a CMS that is robust, simple-to-use and Google-friendly? WordPress is the answer to many web development needs of our present times. If you want a search engine friendly website that you can manage even without a lot of technical expertise, WordPress is the best bet for you!

Quick Content Creation

One does not require an FTP to create content, add or update it on the website. The website administration panel is absolutely simple to use.

Simple to Use and Manage

You do not need a great deal of expertise in coding and development technology to use or manage a WordPress website. Even with the basic HTML knowledge, you will be able to update the website functionality as well as content easily.

Cost Effective

It is easy to download tool from the internet. One does not have to spend a great deal of money in its implementation or maintenance either. Hence, it is a far more cost effective CMS than others.

Thousands of Themes

WordPress offers thousands of attractive design themes to choose from. You don’t need to worry about the design part. A WordPress theme is extensively customizable, giving you the flexibility to mold the look and feel of the website to suit your requirements.

Thousands of Plug-ins

Get functionality galore at WordPress. You can add ‘n’ number of functionalities to the website in the form of plug-ins. This helps in improving the user-friendliness of the website and also enhances the user experience.

SEO-friendly Site Structure

A wordpress website is Google-friendly. It has a simple and easy to crawl navigation structure that makes it easier for the search engine crawlers to crawl the website and index it easily. Hence, it helps in the optimization of the website on the search engines.

Easy to Install

Installing WordPress is as simple as the click of a mouse. You click on the WordPress download link and you are done! You need to answer a few preliminary questions to get the installation underway!

Highly Customizable and Scalable

If you need to expand the size of your website, add more pages and content, WordPress gives you the freedom and flexible to do so. Moreover, you can customize the theme, contents and other functionalities of your website to suit your preference and needs.

Wide Support Community

WordPress enjoys a wide and expert support community across the world. It has one of the richest knowledge resource houses that offer good information and critical support to WordPress developers and administrators across the world.

If you are wondering if WordPress is your safest bet for a website, then how about trying out for you! Get a custom quote for WordPress website development and get a deal that suits you the best!