
Category: wordpress website

WordPress News Update: WordPress 4.7 and Its New Features

Posted on by admin

WordPress, which was launched in 2003, has become one of the most popular CMS platforms of choice, for online business owners and designers alike. Due to the large network of support available in the WordPress community, the software platform steadily improves, ranging from small changes to a larger scale improvement.

WordPress 4.7

Users of WordPress may have utilized earlier versions of WordPress, such as WordPress 4.5 “Coleman” or WordPress 4.6 “Pepper”, but now there is a later version, scheduled to be available on December 6, 2016, and it promises to deliver some exciting new features.

This WordPress news update will touch on some of these new WordPress 4.7 features:

• Twenty Seventeen Default Theme

As with every new version of WordPress, a new default theme is introduced. WordPress 4.7 offers Twenty Seventeen as the default theme, which presents a new layout and anumber of new features.

Unlike version 4.6, WordPress 4.7 enables you to edit an entire page, including the themes, just by navigating to “Appearance” then “Customize”.

• Ability To Customize Header Media

The latest WordPress version will give you the ability to customize the header media, by way of displaying an uploaded, or added URL of the video in the header.

• Additional CSS

Within the WordPress 4.7 Customizer, an additional tab has been added for CSS. This new tab enables you to add CSS straight from the Customizer and provides a live preview feature. If you’re satisfied with what you’ve added, you just simply save and publish.

• Ability To Change Admin Language

A new feature that comes with WordPress 4.7 is the option to change the language of the admin panel. By navigating to “Settings”, then “General”, you can also change the language of your dashboard.

• Preview Feature For PDFs

A helpful feature that comes with the latest upgrade is the preview feature for PDFs.Having thumbnail previews of PDFs makes sorting through these types of files much easier.

If any of these features seems that it would benefit your website, or your next website project, consider downloadingthe WordPress 4.7 release and giving it a try.