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WordPress being a great Content Management System (CMS) for the average user is specifically recommended for its factors such as; ecommerce solutions, blogs updates, creative content management, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) etc.
The WordPress portfolio themes are used for creating all sorts of website and it is one of the most highly applied themes for small businesses.
To provide an idea on the various types of themes that WordPress can do here is an example of just a few:
The types of Themes
1) Nico: This theme is ideal for showcasing your work if you are a creative individual. It provides tons of color schemes with the option for various layouts. Converting this theme into your own is as easy as a piece of cake.
2) Gridlocked: This is a fantastic traffic drawing theme. Good for business that offers services or products. This is a grid-based minimalistic theme that supports all type of post formats.
3) Classica: If you want a minimalistic theme that is classy and uncluttered then this is the right choice for you. The theme may be simple but it offers all the components required to make your site perfect.
4) SimpleKey: This one paged theme is capable of performing various functions competently and the color or background image sections on the front page can be customized too.
A Review on Some of the Popular WordPress themes
The 2011: It features a custom menu, header image, and background along with its sophisticated, lightweight, and adaptable components. The theme is pre equipped with a Showcase page template which has the ability to convert your front page into a showcase. This template allows the best website contents to be displayed.
Responsive: This theme comes with a fluid grid system that integrates the components of your website to make it adaptable for any viewing on any sized frames like for mobile devices and tablets.
Spacious: Suggestive as the name itself, this WordPress theme is a spacious multipurpose theme. The features are highly responsive as it has been developed with careful designs and programmed with codes to obtain maximum functionality. The widgets are designed to focus on upgrading the business template, designing great sliders and you also get the choice to select the primary color so that it can match your logo & your website.
The theme of your website is the first thing that users will notice when they click on to your site. Since first impression stay on for long so it will be in your benefit if you choose a WordPress theme for your website carefully so that it denotes your business in one glimpse.