
Category: wordpress website

4 Ways to Tighten Security for Your E-Commerce Website

Posted on by admin

In the digital world, online security is always a concern, however many of us do not take proactive steps to protect our E-Commerce website from malicious activity, until, unfortunately, it’s too late.

If you are one among the many who use WordPress as the foundation for your E-Commerce website, there are ways to tighten security, so that your site remains safe from potential hackers. Here are 4 ways you can lock down your WordPress site:

E-Commerce Website

1. Avoid Using Common Passwords

Passwords which are too simple or common in nature are easy for hackers to figure out. It is always best practice to create a unique password which is lengthy and incorporates some complexity (combination of lower case, upper case, symbols, numbers).

2. Ensure That Wp-Config.Phpand .Htaccess Are Hidden

In order to ensure these files cannot be accessed by others, you will want to add the following to your .htaccess file and wp-Config.Php:

1 <Fileswp-config.php>
2 order allow,deny
3 deny from all
4 </Files>

1 <Files .htaccess>
2 order allow,deny
3 deny from all
4 </Files>

3.Set a Limit for Login Attempts

In order to avoid brute force attacks to your E-Commerce website login, place a limit on allowable login attempts. WordPress offers a number of login plug-ins, which will protect your site from such attacks.

4. Stay on Top of WordPress Updates

WordPress has a huge community of expert users who are constantly working to improve the software platform and its security. A great way to tighten security for your E-Commerce website is to stay on top of the latest WordPress software/security updates, and apply the updates to help mitigate any security vulnerabilities.

In short, there is no 100%secure E-Commerce software platform available, but by being proactive in taking the necessary measures to prevent security breaches of your WordPress E-Commerce website, you will minimize the chances of your site falling victim to potential hackers.